Cryptic Crossroads Podcast
You've currently stumbled across the crossroads of dark and humor. Stick around to get smart and stupid all at once!
We would love to hear from you, the easiest way is to reach out to our Instagram
49 episodes
Third Eye OPEN
Why do all of these things happen? What is going on? Who is opening our third eyes?#comedy #horror #itsweird #humor #frogpeople #wtf #eatyourheartout #podcast #trusttheprocess #ImPissed
Season 2
Episode 49

If Frog People Invaded
Season 2 Episode 48So... If one day we are discovered by a population that has a 2% increase of intelligence over the human race, what do you think would happen?#comedy #horror #itsweird #humor #wtf #eatyourheartout #podcast #trus...
Season 2
Episode 48

Is Water Wet?
Well, I think we are all pissed about something and there's still so much more to say. Stay tuned to hear all about it in this episode!#comedy #horror #itsweird #humor #wtf #eatyourheartout #podcast #ImPissed #trusttheprocess
Season 2
Episode 47

Martians, Egyptians, Atlanteans, OH MY
Do you listen to the news everyday? How about once a week? No, the "news" you see on Facebook doesn't count. No? That's what I thought. Quit judging me and just listen to the podcast already... Mars, we're coming for you. Unless you already cam...
Season 2
Episode 46

Welcome back, welcome back!! Exciting news on this journey... THE NEW PC IS ON ITS WAY HERE! So much more fun will be coming with that, so make sure you stay tuned!#comedy #horror #wtf #humor #eatyourheartout #sydneyaustralia #podcast #i...
Season 2
Episode 45

Seriously. It really P*SSES ME OFF!
Well... Still, not much but everything all at once. You are in for a treat this time. ENJOY!#comedy #horror #humor #wtf #eatyourheartout #sydneyaustralia #podcast #trusttheprocess #ImPissed
Season 2
Episode 44

Why the f*$k shouldn't I keep rambling?
I can't even start to tell you where this episode will take you, but I am sitting here, drinking my coffee and all I can think about is how much we appreciate all of the support that we've gotten from you all so far! Thank you guys so much for ...
Season 2
Episode 43

They hold food, babies, and now ENERGY????
Talk about a last minute episode!! Coming in clutch, this egg is one for the books... or the book shelf??#comedy #horror #humor #wtf #eatyourheartout #podcast #eggs4days #trusttheprocess #sydneyaustralia
Season 2
Episode 42

What did the snowman say to the other snowman?
Jokes, folklore, jokes, and more folklore. Enjoy the new year with your favorite podcast!#comedy #horror #humor #wtf #EatYourHeartOut #podcast #trusttheprocess
Season 2
Episode 41

HOHOHO you bunch of Wood Boogers
WTF is a Wood Booger and why haven't I found one myself??!?Don't miss out on this limited edition merch from yours truly. Sydney, if you are listening, please get in contact!!!#woodbooger #momos #comedy #horror #hu...
Season 2
Episode 40

Eat your heart out.... or just put your brain into a jar
As science and technology improve, so do our theories about the world ending. This is what it's coming to folks... all wrapped up into one perfect little podcast.#comedy #area51 #horror #humor #eatyourheartout #wtf #astralprojection ...
Season 2
Episode 39

If only we could stop losing 8ft caskets...?
Everything good and bad has a secret. All secrets should be hidden and never revealed. Left alone to be long lost and forgotten... said NO ONE EVER!Dear Government, Please stop covering up the secrets to unlocking The Sphynx.
Season 2
Episode 38

Future, here we come. Handbags and all.
Do you guys think that we were left here by the future generations so that we could solve incoming problems before they arrive? I'm sure we all have theories, but no one knows the truth. Oh... and by the way. The movie is called District 9, whi...
Season 2
Episode 37

The amount of bullsh*t that comes out of our mouths....
I don't even know who sounds more absurd in this episode... which is hard.#astralprojection #comedy #horror #humor #wtf #podcast #trusttheprocess #HappyThanksgiving
Season 2
Episode 36

the simulation is dead
Sorry about it... but we did it again! Welcome to our rants about your, mine, and our worlds. We really are bending all straight thoughts and asking all of the questions. Are there any answers? I will let you decide that for yourself!
Season 2
Episode 35

Please do not steal my body.
We are so close to breaking the simulation you guys. We are about to meet our makers... or game players... or something. Lets see who can break the barrier first!#astralprojection #obe #comedy #horror #humor #wtf #podcast #trusttheproces...
Season 2
Episode 34

Why TF did you throw a dart at my foot??!?!
Bus driving, dart throwing, dream making episode for you this week! Make sure not to miss this mofo show!!!!#comedy #horror #humor #wtf #podcast #trusttheprocess
Season 2
Episode 33

On this special-ish Halloween edition episode, you will dive with us into a creepy view of the big box store of America. What in the world is going on these days???!?#halloween #comedy #horror #humor #wtf #podcast #walmart #trusttheproc...
Season 2
Episode 32

Symmes New Holes???
Where'd the moon come from? Where is it going? Who is inside of it? When will we find out? Thanks for sticking with us for part two and we hope you enjoy!#comedy #horror #humor #wtf #Podcast #trusttheprocess #Halloween
Season 2
Episode 31

Was it human? Was it a deer? WAS IT YOU???
The facts are in and are maybe not facts... It's up for you to decide and to tell us what they are! Congrats for making it thus far and we hope you'll stick around for part two next week!#comedy #horror #humor #wtf #podcast #trustthe...
Season 2
Episode 30

P Did He Do THAT???
Oops! We did it again... Bringing you the news in a long and bumpy conspiracy. So many things to discuss in such little time. Life is weird and all connected in some sort of way. Don't be fooled by the exploding cover up stories...#comed...
Season 2
Episode 29

Travis was really trying to kill the vibes in todays episode! Lucky enough for you guys, Travis, for the most part, kept to himself... Lots of new things going on and we hope you enjoy this plain jane episode!#comedy #humor #wtf #pod...
Season 2
Episode 28

My tongue does whatttttt
The human body is full of mysteries. Please, keep your tongue to yourself and never take off your glasses... You may very well be sorry later!#comedy #horror #humor #wtf #podcast #trusttheprocess #weirdassblanket
Season 2
Episode 27

Rapunzel... What doing bro??
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, come out if you dare. Get sent to the desert and we might meet you there...Grimms Fairytales has not yet let us down and this episode is non different. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!#comedy #horror #humor #wtf #podcast ...
Season 2
Episode 26

What's hiding in your closet?????
In this small world there are so many things that we do that we should not. In this episode we talk about two women who definitely have stories to tell that explain what to not do... You'll have to see for yourself I guess.#comedy #humor...
Season 2
Episode 25