Cryptic Crossroads Podcast
You've currently stumbled across the crossroads of dark and humor. Stick around to get smart and stupid all at once!
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Podcasting since 2024 • 49 episodes
Cryptic Crossroads Podcast
Latest Episodes
Third Eye OPEN
Why do all of these things happen? What is going on? Who is opening our third eyes?#comedy #horror #itsweird #humor #frogpeople #wtf #eatyourheartout #podcast #trusttheprocess #ImPissed
Season 2
Episode 49

If Frog People Invaded
Season 2 Episode 48So... If one day we are discovered by a population that has a 2% increase of intelligence over the human race, what do you think would happen?#comedy #horror #itsweird #humor #wtf #eatyourheartout #podcast #trus...
Season 2
Episode 48

Is Water Wet?
Well, I think we are all pissed about something and there's still so much more to say. Stay tuned to hear all about it in this episode!#comedy #horror #itsweird #humor #wtf #eatyourheartout #podcast #ImPissed #trusttheprocess
Season 2
Episode 47

Martians, Egyptians, Atlanteans, OH MY
Do you listen to the news everyday? How about once a week? No, the "news" you see on Facebook doesn't count. No? That's what I thought. Quit judging me and just listen to the podcast already... Mars, we're coming for you. Unless you already cam...
Season 2
Episode 46